December 17, 2008

Another Newborn Session!

I just had my second newborn session in a week yesterday. This little cutie just 9 days old yesterday, was nice and cozy in her house while it snowed and was terrible weather outside. The mommy of this little girl has two horses and when we talked about their session, one idea that I had was to take photos of the baby on a saddle. I love when an idea/vision turns out how I had pictured in mind! Enjoy~

Little Girl is Already 3 Months Old!

It seems like just a few weeks ago I photographed this little girl as a newborn and here she is already 3 months old! She is growing and changing so quickly as kids do, but so fun to be a part of! I was thrilled when mom and dad asked me to take her 3 month photos which was another fun session at their home! Here is the sneak peek from this session, enjoy!

Newborns are so Sweet!

My best friend since collage just had her third baby, little Jonah! He is just perfect and precious! He slept through his entire session, opening his eyes just once! Newborn sessions are my favorite! Here is a little sneak peek from his session last week...

December 4, 2008

Christmas is on the way!

Today's session with a 6 month old boy and his energetic sister was a fun one with the kids playing around their Christmas tree! This little guy has the best laughs once you get him going! Cracked me up! Enjoy this little sneak peek from the session today--

Booked for 2008!

I am now booked for the year and scheduling sessions for 2009. If you have a specific date in mind, please email or call to get your session booked! Thanks for a great 2008!

November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you a happy, peaceful, and memorable Thanksgiving holiday! Christine

November 2, 2008

Our Last Gorgeous Fall Weekend?

While I hope today was not the last gorgeous fall weekend, I fear it was...luckily I was able to get another fantastic session in today at the Elm Creek Preserve in Maple Grove. Here is a little sneak peek of this gorgeous family...

October 19, 2008

A Client's Wall!

I love hearing how clients choose to display the portraits they purchase and enjoy in their home. Here is one example of how a client combined portraits taken of an older child when he was two incorporated with photos I took of the child now 5 years old, and his younger brother who is 2 this summer. The two photos on the left were taken 3 years ago, the others in the series were taken at during their summer session with me. Looks great Melissa! Thanks for sharing--Christine

Heading to NYC

I am heading to NYC with college gal pals this week on Wednesday through Sunday to celebrate 20 years of friendship (okay I know that dates me, but what a great thing to celebrate!). Orders received by Monday, September 20th afternoon will be processed before I head on holiday. Orders received after that will be processed after I return on Sunday, October 26. Cheers!

Celebrating Adoption!

I love Celebrating Adoption sessions! What an exciting time for new families and what a joy to share with them in their celebration of a new child! Here is a little sneak peek from a recent session of this gorgeous 5 week old...

October 12, 2008

Mother Daughter Session

The weather has been just fantastic on the days I have had sessions this month, what luck! Yesterday was another perfect fall day, perfect for a mother daughter session at their serene lake home in East Bethel. This session was a lot of fun, capturing a mother with her daughter on the verge of being a teenager...

October 9, 2008

A Gorgeous Little Girl!

I have had such a streak of boys over the summer, fall seems to be sessions of girls! This little gal, Miss M, just 7 months old, was so fun to photograph! What a gorgeous little thing! She could be a model. What a cute little dolly! Here is the sneak peek from her session.

October 5, 2008

Perfect Fall Day!

It could not have been a more perfect fall afternoon for this session with my girlfriends kids! The fall colors were in peak, the kids full of energy, lots of fun! These kids are great buds and have a good time together being kids, they did a great job! I have known them since they were babies, not babies anymore! Thanks again Jack!

October 3, 2008

A Cool Fall Morning

The weather is definitely starting to change! These little girls did a great job at their session in Eden Prairie this morning though it was a little cool (50F) and dewey! What little cuties! And both will be big sisters in January to another sister, they were very excited! Happy Fall!

September 30, 2008

A 4th Place Win!

I attended a nature photography workshop this weekend through National Camera Exchange. The instructor of the course was Don Gale, a fantastic photographer! We photographed all day Saturday at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, a great place to spend the day playing with your camera! Tamron (a lens company) was one of the sponsors of the event loaned out all their various lenses, one of which I feel in love with and am hoping going to purchase for macro photography. Part of the workshop included a photo contest from the shots we took (straight out of the camera) in the morning. Each student was allowed to pick two of their favorite shots for the contest, then National Camera printed each photo in a 12x18 print and the winners were picked that night. I am so pleased that out of 6o prints, one of mine was selected as a 4th place winner! Wohoo!

One Year Anniversary!

It's official, Photography by Christine has been in business in the US for one year! Just one year ago, I was unpacking, organizing from an international move, getting our family settled, and rolling out my business all at the same time! It has been a busy year capturing lots of memories with tremendous growth personally and professionally! I look forward to what the next year brings...

September 29, 2008

Updated website!

I finally had a chance this month to update my website with photos of children from all my summer sessions in London and in the US. All my favorites are in the various galleries at my website There are photos from every session I had, so check it out and find your little ones!

September 6, 2008

Photos at Lake Harriet

It was fun to have a session at Lake Harriet today. I have not been there since I moved back from London, I really miss that part of the city! Of course it is always a very busy location, a benefit race was just finishing up when our session was starting, but you can always find a place to get away from the crowds.
This handsome little guy was really shy in the beginning of our session. He kept signing "all done" when we were just getting started! By the end of the session he managed to let go of mom and take a few steps away. I was very pleased I got a high five from him the end of the session! Enjoy!